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Friday, August 5, 2011

Shoot Me

I am ridiculous.

My mom, niece, and nephew (and possibly grandparents) are coming to stay with me in....five days.  So of course, three days ago, I decided to start a few more projects to be finished before they get here - including repainting an entire room.  Nothing motivates home improvement projects like visiting company!

This is why I haven't been posting:  I go to work in the mornings, come home, paint or sand something, assemble something, clean something, eat dinner, paint something, edit a couple pictures, go to bed.  Wake up, paint or sand something, tape off a room to be painted, start another small project, go to work, come home, paint something, assemble something, edit a few pictures, go to bed.  Repeat.

I'm tired.  But I did it to myself so I'll stop complaining.  I'm actually really excited I'm getting these things done that I've been thinking about for two years.

I really will post pictures of all these projects.  Soon.  Within five days, because if they aren't done in five days, I'm in trouble.


I like this picture.  I think it's the leafy bokeh in the background, yes?
Or it could be that adorable little monster in the middle.

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