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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Twin Farmhouse Bed

Productive weekend? Yes I think so.

We spent Friday night in Cheyenne, enjoying a little bit of chicken fried with Zac Brown and his buddies and our buddies and everyone else's buddies. Saturday we did some building in the garage (PS...our garage is approximately the same temperature as the surface of the sun), went to the county fair, and did some more building, priming, and painting. Today we woke up early, built some more, drove to Boulder for a newborn shoot, then came home, built some more, painted some more, seeded and aerated the lawn, mowed, and cleaned up the garage. We finished up our bookshelf/cupboard project! In between all of that, we also finished up a couple little projects and completely cleaned out the kitchen cupboards.

I know you don't care about all of those things, but man, does it feel good to type all of that out to see how much we accomplished in two short days!

We also bought the paint that we're going to need to finish our next project, which we'll be starting tomorrow after work! William is really excited. Really. He might not be able to sleep because he's so excited to spend another HOT afternoon in the garage. The garage is hot. Muy caliente.

Anyways, here's our next project, and a few pictures of what it will hopefully resemble when we're finished:

Twin Farmhouse Bed

We're also painting over the ugly burgundy guest room wall that has been a giant, ugly birthmark on the face of my house since we moved in. Yay!

Hopefully I'll have photos of the bookshelf cupboards tomorrow. G'nite!

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