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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Colorado Peaches

Wilberforce and I have lived in Colorado for over three years.  Dad bugs me all the time about Colorado peaches.  All the time.  It took me two years to figure out that the Colorado peaches he was talking about are grown on the Western Slope - across that cute little mountain range that I like to call The Rockies.

Luckily, when the temperatures reach 85, 90, 95, 100 degrees in my area, minivans and pickup trucks start popping up all over...full of peaches from the Western Slope.  They set up shop in parking lots, street corners, gas stations, and the side of the highway.
When Mom came to visit a few weeks ago, we picked up some peaches from a roadside stand and stuffed our bellies full of tasty peaches.  Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm good.

She was going to go back to the stand to purchase a whole flat of peaches to bring home to Dad.  She didn't.  Muahahahaha Dad!!  No peaches for you!

I've always been a really nice, caring daughter, eh?

Today Wilberforce showed up at home with a treat in the back of his truck.
Colorado peaches!

We ate four peaches tonight.
They were tasty.

I called Mom and Dad to tell them that I had a flat of peaches in the kitchen, and that I was about to eat them.  Dad asked me to mail him some peaches.  I said no.

Daughter of the Year, right here!
 PS...Wilberforce was not so excited that I had to have a peach photoshoot before we could eat these little gems.
 Doesn't that peach look tasty?  I think so.

Here's a little secret: it was tasty.  Extremely.  Mucho tastiness.
 Here's a little riddle for ya!

Sweet corn is to Iowa, as *blank* is to Colorado.
Answer: PEACHES!!

I hope you got that one, or else I would be a little concerned about your general mental capacity.

Just sayin'.

Peace out - I'm going to eat some more peaches.

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