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Monday, August 29, 2011

House for Sale, Garage Not Included

I've been living in the garage.  Building, building, building.  I actually have a building deadline, so I'm even more motivated than usual.

If not for the mutant spider the size of a drink coaster that I found in my scrap wood pile this morning, I would probably move a mattress into the garage and never leave.  I hate spiders.

So I'm considering selling our house and moving into the garage, permanently.

One of our neighbors asked Wilberforce if we were furnishing our whole house with handmade furniture, since all he ever sees us doing is building.  "Basically, yeah," was Wilberforce's response.  Everyone needs a hobby.  Or two.



Since starting the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, the Clark household has lost a total of 29 pounds.

That's almost a whole Loogie.
Loogie's body really only weighs 5 pounds...the other 30 pounds is in his giant, wobbly head.


My fingernails are painted bright teal.  I'm super professional, eh?

Adios, amigos.


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