Check Out:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Moley Moley Moley!

I had a very traumatic Monday, how bout you?

Woke up early to get to my appointment at a dermatology clinic.  I have this crazy mole on my collarbone that has gotten out of control ever since an unfortunate self tanner experience.

You heard me.

Anyways, I went to get it checked out today.

I showed it to the doc, she screamed, then laughed nervously.  I started to be concerned.

Ok not really.  Besides the fact that I was sweating and shaking and dizzy and my pulse was around 560 bpm, the appointment went great.

I get nervous around needles.  And razors.  And the idea of slicing off a piece of skin makes me queasy. But I was in and out of that exam room in five minutes!  Didn't feel a thing.  I might grow another freakish mole, just so I can have it chopped off.

Maybe not.


Intervention and Hoarders.

Television genius.

I'm excited for tonight's new Intervention episode.  It's about a mom who smokes crack all day long.  Will absolutely 100% hates Intervention and Hoarders.  He says they make him feel bad inside.  I tell him that if he would stop doing drugs and filling our house with crap and dead animals, he wouldn't feel so bad.  He tells me he doesn't do those things.  I stare at him blankly for 45 seconds.  He gets creeped out and walks away.

The things I put up with.


I took one year pictures of my best friend's daughter while we were in Iowa.  I wouldn't let her pay me, so she surprised me with gift cards to all my favorite stores.  She said she knew I'd tear up a check, and I would be wasting her money if I didn't use my new gift cards.  I'm always getting outsmarted!!  So I went on a shopping spree today.

New shirt for work.
New dishes.
Abstract dishes. 
New Vera.
 It has a comfy shoulder strap.
 A side pocket with an ID pocket, change purse, and other little pockets - perfect for a traveling bag!
 Oh Vera, you are so pretty and pink.
 Free gift!  It's big enough to put three quarters in, approximately.
During my six hours wandering around airports yesterday, I realized that the shoulder strap on my current camera bag is extremely uncomfortable.  Especially when my bag is full of camera gear, a 15 inch laptop, and an iPad.  So I decided to find a more comfy bag for traveling.  And I did.

I have beets!  Baby beets, but beets all the same.
 And flowers!
 And yellow flowers!
It's been unusually wet in Colorado this year.  I haven't had to water my plants much.

Rock on.

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