Check Out:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Escalator Danger!

Sunday was spent in airports.  Flew out of one airport at 7:26am, landed, hung out around town with Beanie and the boys, then back to the airport to fly home by myself.  Landed at the Denver airport at 8pm.

The trip through DIA with the boys went better than expected.  They carried their monstrous backpacks all by themselves, they didn't run off, they didn't whine.  Success.

The only problems we had were Gus' need for some Gas-X and escalators.

I didn't realize the boys had never ridden an escalator.  I also didn't realize they were so scary to a little monster.  I also didn't realize how hard it is to keep walking up the down escalator once you get on it and you realize your little monsters haven't gotten on it yet and you're trying to talk them into it while walking up the escalator.  Yep.

Finally, I had to tell them I'd be right back, ride down the escalator, then ride up the next one, and hold their hands down the escalator again.  It was traumatic.  But once we got that first one under our belts, they were good.  We happened to be sitting by a set of escalators in the terminal, and they begged to ride up and down them a bajillion times.  They also found the moving sidewalks to be pretty sweet.

While we were sitting at the terminal, a very nice gentleman was passing by, noticed I was taking pictures of the boys, and asked if I would like him to take one of the three of us.  How nice!  And he didn't even run off with my camera!  The flight attendant also asked to take our picture on the plane...I liked her for a second, then wanted to bite her the remainder of the flight - more on that later.

It's back to work today, but I'll try to get some pictures from our airplane excursion up in the next few days.

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