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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dream Come True

William has dreamt about today since he was a little boy.  Since before he knew me.  Since before I was even born.

He was on the Golf Channel today.
Can you tell which one he is?  Here's a hint: white hat, pink shirt.

No, no, no, not the one holding the putter.

The one behind the rope.

This is good for me.  Now I have leverage in whatever situation leverage might be needed.

"William, take out the garbage or I'll delete your Golf Channel appearance off of DVR."

"William, buy me a new computer or I'll delete your Golf Channel appearance off of DVR."

"William, I'm right and you're wrong for the rest of ever.  Don't argue or I'll delete your Golf Channel appearance off of DVR."

Life. Is. Good.

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