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Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Bit Of Bad Boys

I promised BeeKnee I would post something tonight.

I made Cherry Almond muffins tonight.  I needed a half cup of milk - when I opened our bottle of milk halfway through mixing the ingredients, I noticed it might not be the freshest milk we've ever had.  But have no fear!  Today is Monday!  Monday is milk delivery day!

By 7:00pm, our milk man still hadn't shown up with our fresh milk.  I sat on the porch waiting for him.  Nada.

Wouldn't you know, the one day in the history of all days that I need milk, and the milk man is late.  My muffin making was shut down.  The mixer was still.  The oven was off.  The dirty bowls were making their way to the sink.

Then the milk man decided to show up.  So I made muffins.  Delicious Cherry Almond muffins.  I'll post a picture sometime.  Maybe tomorrow.  Not tonight.  Definitely not right now.

If you put two monsters in a truck and make them stay there for ten hours straight, they will become more weird than usual.
 They will entertain themselves by balancing things on their heads.
 And they will only be quiet when they are sleeping.
 Did you also know that brothers make the best pillows?

Gus sat by me on the train up to Pike's Peak.
 After our trip last summer, Will and I got smart and packed warm sweatshirts for mountain summit.
 The cafe on the top of Pike's Peak has donuts.  Tasty, tasty donuts.  Will bought a whole bag of tasty donuts while the boys and I waited in line for ten minutes to use the restroom.  We had donuts to spare...for glasses.
This picture makes me think of ET.  Not sure if it's the hood, or just the fact that the boys talk about ET at least once a day.  They informed me he lives in the forest off of I-25 south of Denver.   Who knew?

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