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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cherry Almond Muffins

 Delicious whole wheat cherry almond muffins!
 Made these delicious little morsels yesterday...after a stressful two hours of waiting for the milk man.
 I've never had a whole fresh cherry in my life.   I had to halve and pit these babies all by myself.  I still haven't every had a whole fresh cherry in my life.  I'm not sure why I can't bring myself to eat one.  I'm probably severely allergic.  I'm sure that's it.
 Is it okay to bake muffins in cupcake liners?  I'm a rebel, so I did.
 I also licked the spoon between the filling of each muffin.  Rebelling again.  And because I'm a sharer.  I like to share everything...including the little germies I picked up at work this weekend.
 Maybe I didn't really lick the spoon.  But I could have.
 I've been reading my "Plate to Pixel" book on food photography.  I think I have a long way to go.  I'm going to fatten the girls up at work with my photography subjects.  Muahahahaha!
I love the recipes at The Pastry Affair.  That's where I found this one.  She has a few other delicious looking muffin recipes I'm going to try out.  I like muffins.  Why is that?

Go make some muffins.  And feed them to your coworkers.  They'll thank you :)

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