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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Chocolate Avocado Cupcakes! Coconut-Grapefruit Cupcakes!

Ever watch those competitive cupcake shows?  I don't.  But I happened upon one a few days ago - one of the contestants was making avocado cupcakes.  Mmmmmm.

So I googled.  Googling is awesome.  What did the world do before googling?

I found this recipe from The Pastry Affair for a delicious chocolate avocado cupcake with avocado buttercream frosting.  I, however, am not a baker and did not realize the recipe accidentally omitted the butter from the buttercream frosting.  We ended up with a very powder sugary frosting.  But still yummy!

Ps...the avocado cupcakes are vegan.  I didn't do that on purpose, I swear.  We also used whole wheat flour...they're almost healthy!!

While I was looking for an avocado recipe, I discovered this recipe from 17 and Baking for coconut grapefruit cupcakes.  These are equally delicious, but less nutritious than the avocado cakes.  I had trouble finding the green tea powder for the frosting, so I used a random grapefruit cream cheese frosting recipe I found elsewhere.

We did some dry ingredient mixing.
 William did some avocado gutting.   We bought approximately 47 avocados for these cupcakes.  We used three.
 We did more mixing.  It got messy.  Too messy to touch the camera.

I used my handy dandy ice cream scoop to fill the cupcake liners.  These were cool ones from Hobby Lobby that didn't need to be in a cupcake pan.
 While the cakes were baking, we mashed up a couple more avocados for the frosting.
 And the cupcakes were magically baked!  Notice how they didn't quite fill the liner to the top?  That's because I'm as graceful as an elephant and bumped the rack when I was toothpick testing...and all my cupcakes fell.  Sad.
 The frosting looks like avocados mashed up and beat with a mixer.  Shocking.
 Ta Dah!  A beautiful chocolate avocado cupcake with avocado (butter)cream frosting!
So bright and happy!

I love grapefruit.  I could eat fourteen grapefruit everyday.  Seriously.

I have to exercise and eat a healthy diet.  If I don't, I'm doomed to have high cholesterol.  Then I'll have to take medications with little red warning stickers on the bottle that say "Do not eat grapefruit".

There will be no more fourteen-grapefruit-days in my future.
Wouldn't that be sad?

Whoa, got a little sidetracked.

Got a little sidetracked while baking, also.  This is the only step I remember to photograph.  This is why I don't have a food blog.
Coconut-grapefruit cupcakes!
 Aren't they tasty looking?  I didn't slam into the rack this time, so they filled the liners!  Success!

Threw a little coconut on top.  Like a little dusting of snow.  
 Are you on crack?
 Ello, cupcake.
 I. Can't. Stop. Taking. Pictures.

The Cupcake Monster.
We love el cupcakos. 
Happy Cupcakes.  Are you sick of cupcakes yet?

Longest post of cupcake pictures ever.

Ps...warning: these cupcakes taste a little different than your regular chocolate cupcakes.  It could be that I used whole wheat flour.  The girls at work thought they tasted more like a bran muffin with tasty frosting than cupcakes.

I like 'em.

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