Check Out:

Sunday, July 10, 2011


The Bad Boys have exited the building.

It's a sad and lonely day in Colorado.

Sad face.

We've had the two oldest monsters at our house for the past five days.  We had a blast...we got very little sleep, but had a great time.

The first day Will had to work, so the boys and I drove down to the Butterfly Pavilion.  They held a tarantula.  I didn't.

Anyways, I flew back home with the boys today - their first plane ride!  They loved it...except for the snotty flight attendant who wouldn't let Braed use the restroom when the seat belt light was on, then let the bratty unaccompanied minors use it two minutes after I asked.

We went to Chuck-E-Cheese once we landed - little monster heaven!

Now I'm sitting in the airport, waiting for my flight back home to Colorado.  Boooooo-ring.

People watching in the airport is always interesting.  Denver airport is usually a little more entertaining, but I have found that weirdos fly through the midwest airports, too.

There's a little kid with obnoxious parents who is yelling in the middle of the dining area about farting.  His obnoxious parents don't think he's being rude - but I'm about to throw my napkin dispenser at him if he doesn't zip it.


On a less annoying note, some photos from our trip to the butterfly pavilion.
 Braed liked the butterflies.  He didn't even try to eat one, so I considered it a successful field trip.
Remember the photos are posted on my Flickr page - better quality for your viewing pleasure :)
PS...little word of advice.  Don't sit next to the drink cooler for extended periods of time in the airport. It gets chilly.

Gotsta go, I'm leaving on a jet plane.

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