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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One, Two, ThreeFourFive

We had an epiphany last night at work.

We need a pharmacy video.  With "Mambo No. 5" as the soundtrack.

I downloaded the song on my iPad last night.  As soon as I started playing it at work, everyone started dancing along with the beat at their respective computers/fill stations.  I laughed hysterically and told one of the girls about the music video we needed to make.  She ran to a counting tray and dramatically counted pills as Lou Bega sang out "One, Two, Threefourfive, everybody in the car so come on lets ride..."

The things we do to entertain ourselves at work.

I'm sure we'd get fired if we really made this particular video at work, so we've made plans to create this masterpiece elsewhere.  Get excited.


I was going to post pictures of my picture wall...but the picture uploader thingy is being STOOOPID.

So we'll all just have to wait.


I really am a genius when it comes to thinking things through and doing things the easy way.

I laid out all the frames on the carpet in the living room to decide which layout I thought would be best.  This is what I came up with.
 Then I realized that the wall I wanted to put the frames on was upstairs.  Great.

So I proceeded to smush the frames into the carpet so that a square outline would be left when I picked up the frame.  I then took the frames, one by one, upstairs...hung it on the wall, then went downstairs to get the next one.  If I happened to forget exactly where the frame was supposed to go (during the 10 seconds it took me to run upstairs) I would look over the balcony at the square left on the carpet of the living room.

At least I got a workout.

Here's what we ended up with.  I printed a bunch of images in black and looks great, just haven't taken a picture yet. I think the right side of the display is a little more smooshed than I would like.  Might have to change it up.


Work yesterday, while entertaining after 6 pm, was psychologically scarring within the first hour of my shift.

Every pharmacy has it's "regulars".  Usually, the regulars are crazy.  They're regulars because they take 47 medications and come into (or call) the pharmacy at least six times per week.

Save for the 75 year old man who takes every heart/blood pressure/diabetes medication known to the medical community, folks who take 47 meds usually have mental "issues".

Sometimes, these mental "issues" cause a person to think that it's ok to tell their pharmacist about getting a shot in the rear-end.

"So?" you're thinking.  "What's the big deal about telling your pharmacist you received an intramuscular shot in the hinney?  It's relevant."

The thing about a regular with mental "issues" is that they won't feel it was enough to tell you about the shot, they will actually turn around, pull their sweat pants down, and show you where the shot was administered.  In the middle of the pharmacy.

Yes, that happened yesterday.


I just looked out the window and saw that there isn't a single cloud in the sky.

Good day.

1 comment:

  1. Love the gallery wall!

    I also loved your work story...and planned dance video. I can totally relate. If 1 more person accused me of shorting them hydrocodone today...
