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Saturday, June 18, 2011

'Nother Farm Morning

Picture day on the farm again.

Not so many piggy pictures...we had a couple teen models though!
 They were troopers for being our models at 5:30 am.
 I like tall grass.  Tall grass is neat.
 Sweet truck.
 Everyone was practicing their picture-taking.
 This girl was pretty photogenic.  Lucky for me.
 Took this one from the middle of the gravel road.  Almost got hit by a truck.

Not really.
 One of my favorites from the day.

The girls were super scared of the pigs.  We took them out to the pasture to try to get a mountain/pig/pasture image for a luck.  As soon as we got the sows situated, the clouds covered the peaks.  Boo.

I need a nap.

I woke up at 2 am...that's what I get for drinking a drink equivalent to 5 Hour Energy on crack at 6 pm the night before.

Nap time?

Yes, please.

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