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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Dream of Carbs

I haven't had bread iiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn 17 days.

I haven't had pop in 17 days.

I haven't had chocolate in 17 days.

I haven't had candy in 17 days.

I haven't had anything fried in 17 days.

I haven't had crackers or toast or chips in 17 days.

I've had lots of water, lots of bananas, lots of almonds, lots of eggs, lots of salad, lots of chicken, lots of zucchini, lots of peppers, lots of avocados, and lots of Spark drinks in 17 days.

I haven't died yet.  Contrary to popular belief...ok, my's possible to survive without three diet Pepsis daily.  Whoda thunk?

I can't decide if I'm going to go psychotic on day 24, bake a gigantron pizza and eat the entire thing in one sitting (of course I would make a pizza for Wilbee, also), or if I'll just splurge on some s'mores.

I almost forgot...I haven't had any marshmallows for 17 days.  That may very well have been the hardest part.  No mo-mos.


Will has been getting slim-tastic as well, since I'm in charge of grocery shopping.  I know that he knows that I know that he knows that he's losing weight...he hasn't been sticking his stomach out as far as possible, pretending to be an 8 month pregnant woman.

I don't have the heart to tell him that when you're fat and stick your stomach out, your belly is still squishy and jiggly.  Even ten pounds ago, when he would stick his belly out, it was (as Dad would say) tight as a tick.

Silly Wilberforce.

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