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Friday, June 17, 2011

The Face of a Monster

Chicken Nugget. Monster. Stinky Butthead.  Crazy Nut.  Gus.


Where did "chicken nugget" come from?  I've heard other people use the same name for kids.  Weird.

Here's where "chicken nugget" came from in the Bad Boys world.

Gus was a very small monster.  I was sitting at the computer when he came up to me to have a conversation.  This particular conversation started with him calling me names.  He would ramble off 47 words that didn't really go together, and usually included "shark" "fart" and "face", and were intended to be insulting.  At the end of his rambling of names, he blurted out "chicken nugget".

Trying not to laugh, I said "You're a chicken nugget!!"

Gus squinted his little eyes, got right up in my face, and sternly said "I'm gonna eat you chicken nugget."

And so "chicken nugget" was born.

The end.

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