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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rest Day = Stuff My Face Day

Today is my rest day from my half marathon training and weight lifting.  Complete rest.

How boring.

So what do I do all day?  I eat.  Cause that makes sense.
 And when I'm stuffed so full I can't move, I make food for Wilberforce.  Like this post workout snack of a Chocolate Blueberry Mug Cake with PB2 Blueberry Compote and a side of Baked Vanilla Almond Crunch Quest Bar.  Smothered all of it in almond butter.
He ate it.  Now he owes me approximately 3,323 minutes of back rubs.  No exaggeration.  I keep tabs on these things.

I don't have much of a recipe for the mug cake.  Sometimes ya just gotta throw anything you can find in a mug, think happy thoughts, and turn on the microwave.  Sweet potato, acorn squash, egg whites, coconut flour, baking powder, cocoa, blueberries, greek yogurt, cinnamon, strawberry extract.  Into the mug it went.

To make the compote, I microwaved a handful of blueberries for 30 seconds, threw in a packet of stevia and spoonful of PB2 powder, mashed it up and dumped it on top of the cake.
 When I'm at home, my meals tend to last an hour or more.  Not kidding.
Meal number three today started with a mug cake in a squash and a baked quest bar.  Then I stood with the fridge open and ate some left over salmon and berries.  Then I made this:
 Steamed cinnamon broccoli with PB2 Cinnamon Pumpkin fluff.  I finished off my feeding by eating Wilberforce's almond butter outta the jar with a spoon.

Or so I thought.

I went back for more almond butter.

Then I really finished up my meal by eating half a bundle of asparagus.  Raw.  Dipped in Walden Farms caramel dip.  While standing in front of the open fridge.

FYI.  Instagram is a small, small portion of what I eat every day.  You can bet that whatever I post was followed by half an hour's worth of grazing.  Whoops.

So don't feel bad!  We all do it.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.

 Also had some pizza today.  It was amazing.
 Taught Wilberforce how to make his own pizza.  Then, using my ninja iPhone skills, I caught him in Instagramming action.  That one shows promise, he does.
I'm off to finish up my day with the final feeding.  Ice cream and zeggs.  Oh baby.


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who eats constantly..some of the Instagram girls I'm like, "wow-I eat like triple that amount!" Hey, a girls' gotta eat!

  2. DITTO to April, haha! This post makes me feel better about my appetite...err ability to shovel food.

  3. Love this post!
    So glad to read I'm not alone in this eat-all-day-thing, haha.
