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Friday, May 11, 2012

We Want S'more, We Want S'more

Name that movie.

Remember the Titans.  I win.

"We want some more!  We want some more!" while they're doing their pre-game warm up.  I think.  It's been a long time since I watched the movie.  I just remember the football team yelling that in unison.  Or maybe they didn't and I made the whole thing up in my head and I'm the only one who could have ever won the "name that movie" game because there was never a movie that actually had that line in it???????



Wednesday was my last night of work for an entire week.  Ahhhh.  The only drawback to the last day of work before vacation is that my vacation brain kicks in 90 minutes before I actually leave work.  Worthless.  I'm worthless for 90 minutes at work.  Sad.

Not sad?  The bonfire Wilberforce had ready when I got home at 9:30 Wednesday night.  Also not sad?  The s'mores we made in the perfectly stacked bonfire that Wilberforce made.
 Did I mention we made homemade graham crackers?

The recipe was originally meant to be a dessert pizza, but I don't follow the rules.
Homemade Graham Crackers | Dessert Pizza Crust
adapted from Chocolate Covered Katie

1/2 cup oat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tsp stevia
scant 1/2 cup water 
2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce, pumpkin, or banana
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon, or other spices
Yield: 2 servings, 85 calories per serving
Mix all ingredients in bowl.  For pizza crust, pour into round greased cake pan and bake in non-preheated oven at 420 degrees for 10 minutes.  For graham crackers, cover cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread thin layer of batter onto paper.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and Stevia, if desired.  Bake in non-preheated oven at 420 degrees for 12-15 minutes until crackers are golden brown.    
 My crackers were deliciously cinnamon-y, a little soft, but still sturdy enough to take on the challenge of a roasted marshmallow, peanut butter, and melty chocolate.  Glorious s'mores.
Post Script - Wilberforce is the best marshmallow roaster in the world.  Seriously.  It's pretty much the reason I married him.

Not really.  But kinda.

Disclaimer: the crappy pictures are credited to my lovely kitchen lights at 10 o'clock at night.  You're welcome.

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