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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Who says butternut squash is for fall?
 I'm not believin' it.  Cause this soup is awesome, and it's May.  So there.
 Granted, the day we had this was a rainy, drizzly, craptastically cold day in Colorado.  It felt more like fall.  But all the same...
 Wilberforce had a big ol' bowl of soup.  And used his bowl as a hand warmer.
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
adapted from Naturally Ella

1 whole butternut squash, cubed
1/2 medium onion, diced
1 clove garlic
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
3 cup vegetable stock
pinch salt and pepper
Yield: about 6 cups/servings, 151 calories per serving
Heat oven to 425 degrees.  Place cubed squash on baking sheet covered with parchment paper and roast 25 minutes or until soft.
Coat inside of a pot with cooking spray and saute onions and garlic until onions become slightly translucent.  Add roasted butternut squash, stock, and drained garbanzo beans.
Bring ingredients to a boil and then reduce to simmer for 20 minutes.  Use immersion blender to blend until creamy. 
 Ps, this recipe is vegan.  Just for you, Dad.  I know how much you care about the animals and don't wanna eat them.

Wait.  Maybe that was someone else.


I also created this delicious little skillet that I've been sort of eating non-stop after work.  It's quick and simple and I've always got veggies cut up in the fridge, ready to jump in a pan on the stove.
Here's the general idea:  throw some spices (paprika, cinnamon, garlic powder, pepper) in a pan on the stove.  Add in some veggies (asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, turnips).  Cook for 5 minutes until...cooked.   Fry an egg white or two on a separate skillet.  Put the veggies on a plate.  Top with the egg and plenty of ketchup, cause ketchup makes the world go 'round.  Eat.

Low cal.  High fiber.  High protein.  Lots of taste.  And ketchup.  What more could you ask for?
And if you eat your veggie skillet with a side of butternut squash soup, your life will be complete.  I promise.

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