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Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Trike Bike Story

The weather was crazy in Iowa.  Windstorm one day, rainstorm the next, freezing the next, etc.

We had one afternoon that was pretty awesome...and we spent it outside with the monsters.

Logie is the biggest little monster of all.  Doesn't he look like trouble?
 "Hey, I think I'll ram my trike into Braed's bike and see what happens".
"Uh oh.  I think Auntie Manda saw me".
 I stole his trike.  I'm a good aunt like that.
 And then I rode off into the sunset.  Slowly.
 Gus had a seizure.  On camera.  Not really.
 Kinda looks like it though, huh?  What a weirdo.  I don't know where he gets it.
 My sunset trike-ride was short lived.
 Logie was traumatized by having his trike stolen.
 I told him I'd make it up to him by giving him a ride on the back.  He refused.  In fact, he refused to even look at me.  Such a traumatic experience for Logie.
 Gus, however, took me up on the offer.  Again, I don't know where he gets his weirdtasticness from.
Braed played in the rock pile to avoid drama.  
 I went off on another trike-expedition.  The first one didn't quite satisfy my appetite for adventure.
 The whole crew decided to join me this time.
 Gus shoved me across the entire yard...
 ...Braed wasn't having any part in it...
 ...and then Gus left me there to rot.
 I was stuck.  Stuck in the gravel.  Boo.

Never fear!  Logie to the rescue with his truck!
 Slowest.  Truck.  Ever.
 He tried scooping me up with his loader bucket.  It didn't work.  Still stuck.
 Braed decided to help out by pushing me.  Didn't work.  Still stuck.
 At this point, we all decided Auntie Manda on the trike is a bad idea.
 So we went to play with Uncle Wilberforce instead.  They raced around the entire farm.  Wilberforce carried Logie the entire way because Logie is a monster.
 Monsters like Uncle Wilberforce.  Braed likes to call him "Unc".
 Logie calls him "Uncle Wilbee".
 That Braed.  He's such a pumpkin fart.
More to come tomorrow.  Maybe.

If I'm not too busy eating pancakes.

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