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Monday, April 23, 2012

A Hunting We Will Go

One thing I remember doing a lot when we were little monsters was hunting for robin's eggs.  I'm not sure what it was about finding a nest with little blue eggs that was so exciting to us.  Sometimes we would find them and leave them alone...sometimes we wouldn't.

Cruel kids, we were.
Anyways, Wilberforce and I went on an egg hunting adventure with the boys while we were on the farm.  Two things I noticed:
1.  The trees are quite a bit taller than I remembered.  Apparently they grew over the past 20 years.  Hmph.
2.  Pulling a nest out of a tree for my own entertainment seems not so nice now that I'm an old lady.  The boys wanted to yank every one we found out of the tree, so I had to explain how long it took the momma bird to make the nest and how that wouldn't be very nice to ruin.  Those thoughts never really crossed my mind 20 years ago.

Anyways, I don't think the boys understood at first what we were looking for.  But once I found the first nest and we pulled down the branches to see if we hit the egg jackpot, they got it.  They were pointing out nests all over the place - they were still convinced that I should be able to reach the nests that were 15 feet up in the middle of the trees, though.
I was beginning to think we would never find one with eggs and the whole adventure would have been a bust.  Egg hunting is no fun with no eggs.  
 But I found one in the last tree on our trip.  It wasn't a robin egg - it was white - but the boys thought it was awesome all the same.  I think Logie may have eaten the egg if I let him.

We also did our part to beautify Mom and Dad's farm by running through the dandelions...
 ...and kicking them to make sure their seeds got everywhere. Just in case there was a spot that didn't have dandelions.

You're welcome, Mom and Dad.
I also noticed I have grubby handprints on my back.  I forgot that Braed was playing in the rock pile before he tried to help push me on the tricycle.  
 Run boys!  Be free!  Spread the dandelion seed to all corners of the farm!


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