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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let Them Eat Cake

Pancake, that is.

I've been pinning  a lot of pancake recipes on Pinterest.  Like, a lot.  So much so, that a friend facebooked me - "You been craving some p-cakes, lady?"

Uh, yeah.

After trying out countless recipes, I've finally found my favorite!  Quick, healthy, delicious.
 Say hello to my little friends.

Oatmeal Cinnamon Pancakes.
 Aren't those tasty looking little baking beauties?
 I love seeing those bubbles.  That means they're almost ready to flip which means they're almost halfway done which means I'm that much closer to telling them "git in my belly"!
 You don't talk to your breakfast?

 Bah!  Brown and steamy and almost finished. 
 Notice how many pancakes are on my griddle?  Eight, actually.

I'm a great counter.  It's kinda what I do for a living.

I even had more batter left for one last giant pancake.  So I made a little pile of regular sized pancakes, then covered them up with the giant pancake blanket.  It's an art form, that pancake stacking.
 Wilberforce mixed up a little PB2 (my new obsession...besides pancakes, of course), so we spread that on top as a healthy alternative to butter.

Butter makes me sad.

Butter makes my arteries sad.

Butter probably makes your arteries sad, too.

Just sayin'.
 I'm drooling.  Excuse me.  Sorry.  Such bad manners, I have.

I also like to speak like Yoda occasionally.  Keeps life interesting.
 I bet Yoda would love these pancakes.

This is Wilberforce's pancake stack.  I hoarded the giant pancake blanket for myself, so he doesn't have one.  He has nice, uniform pancakes.  He puts a little PB2 between each layer, then tops with syrup and sometimes some pecans.  He's a nut.

 I top mine with PB2, sugar free syrup, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and proceed to shovel them into my mouth as fast as possible.
 I'm not sure why I find it necessary to scarf down my pancakes.  I probably have some underlying fear that Wilberforce will steal them off my plate if they don't disappear in less than 60 seconds.

It's probably a valid concern.  He's a sneaky little devil.

Why hello Cinnamon!  When'd you get here?
 I wish it was breakfast time again.
 OH!  A little secret I almost forgot to share.  I love the taste of banana pancakes.  They make me smile.  And I can't help but sing a little Jack Johnson to my banana pancakes while I eat them.

However, this is not a banana pancake recipe.  But I tricked myself!  I added a quarter teaspoonful of banana extract to the batter this morning.  Hellooooooo banana pancakes!

I'll make you banana pancakes (yes I will, I'll make them for Wilberforce)
Pretend like it's the weekend now (it is! it is! How did he know?)
And we could pretend it all the time (I like weekends.  I would like a never-ending weekend)
Can't you see that it's just raining? (Wrong-o, Jack Johnson.  It's always sunny in Colorado)
Ain't no need to go outside (Actually, there is.  We're going to have sushi, so outside we shall go)
 I love syrup.  I love sugar-free syrup because I can drown my pancakes and not feel bad about it.
 In case you were wondering, this entire batch of pancakes is 320 calories.  Wilberforce and I split it, so we each enjoy a giant stack of pancakes for 160 calories.  Say what IHOP?

Oatmeal Cinnamon (Banana) Pancakes
recipe from Dashing Dish

Makes 8-10 pancakes

1/2 cup non-fat cottage cheese
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup egg whites 
1/8 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp stevia or sweetener to taste
1/8 tsp nutmeg (optional)
1/4 tsp banana extract (optional)
1 tsp vanilla

Heat skillet to medium-high heat.

Mix all ingredients in blender or Ninja. Use a little less than 1/4 cup batter per pancake.  After pouring circle of batter on skillet, use the bottom of the measuring cup or spoon to spread the batter a little thinner (circular motion). 

Flip when bubbles appear on top and edges are cooked.  

 Clean plate club!  Go me!

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