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Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Scream, You Scream

We all scream for Ice Cream!
 Who doesn't love a big ol' bowl of peanut buttery ice cream goodness?

Besides those with peanut allergies.  Duh.

I was doing my daily pinning on Pinterest this morning - while avoiding the killer P90X workout waiting for me up in the TV room - when I stumbled upon an ice cream recipe I had to try before I could believe it would work.  It sounded way too good to be true.

So I tried it.  And I ended up with this.
 And it was heavenly.  So heavenly, in fact, that two hours later I made another bowl.

Because I can.

Homemade Baggie Ice Cream

1 gallon ziploc bag
1 quart ziploc bag
1/2 cup salt (any salt will work)
1 cup milk (whatever milk you choose will work!)
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp sugar (or 1/4 tsp stevia extract or other sweetener)

additional flavorings/toppings/add-ins

Fill gallon bag half full of ice; add salt; shake 5 seconds to mix. 

Pour milk into quart bag; add vanilla, sugar, and add-ins of choice.  Shake bag to mix.  If powdered add-ins were used, be sure those are mixed/dissolved well.  

Seal quart bag.  Place inside gallon bag with ice.  Seal gallon bag.  Shake bags 5-7 minutes.  Remove quart bag from gallon bag; rinse quart bag under cold water to remove salt build up.  Open quart bag and scoop out ice cream!

I would never have believed this would work if I hadn't opened up that bag myself and found ice cream inside!  It. Was. Awesome.  

Even more awesome?  I used unsweetened almond milk in my recipe, so the whole cup of ice cream (and my tablespoon of PB2 peanut butter add-in) has 55 calories.  Bam.  Take that Dairy Queen.  
My head is spinning with all the possibilities this opens up for a summer of ice cream lovin'.  Strawberry ice cream.  Banana ice cream.  Chocolate mint ice cream.  Raspberry almond ice cream.  Vanilla maple ice cream.  Peppermint ice cream.  Pistachio ice cream.  Blueberry cinnamon ice cream.

Bah.  I might start eating ice cream every three hours from here to eternity.

Because I can.

1 comment:

  1. Lol you crack me up, we did this in high school once. Mine probably would have turned out better if i didnt add s crap ton of "extra" toppings lol
