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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Cranberry Scones

Who's excited for pumpkin stuff?


I decided to make some scones tonight.  The weather was cold and overcast - the perfect fall day!  We needed the perfect fall treat.
 Really, this recipe doesn't require too many ingredients.

I found the coolest spices at SuperTarget today.  Glass bottles.  And they carry all the crazy, odd-ball spices I can never find anywhere else.

Pumpkin Pie Spice, not that weird, but that's not the point now, is it?
 Combine all the dry ingredients.
 Add the wet ingredients.
 Mix it up, make a big dough ball.  Slightly flatten the big dough ball.
 Cut it in six scone-looking pieces.
 Bake.  Smell.  Drool.  Remove from oven.  Drool more (preferably not on the scones).

That is all.

Here's el recipe de scones!

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