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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Wreath

I found this on Pinterest, and decided I needed one of my very own!
 We found the weird shaped wreath at Hobby Lobby for $2.50 (love those 50% off sales!).  The wood numbers were $0.99 a piece. I picked up two of the plum flowers for $3.50 each, and used orange and white flowers from wedding centerpieces I had in my basement.
 I decided to paint the numbers a cream color to make them stand out against our front door.  I hot glued the numbers onto the wreath, and used floral wire to attach the flowers.  I suppose I could take off the flowers and use different colors for different holidays, and they would still match the numbers.  Cream goes with everything, right?
 Someone is excited about her new wreath.
It looks awesome on the front door.  I took a picture, but it was 9pm, so the picture didn't turn out.  You'll just have to take my word for it.


  1. How G-g-g-gorgeous!! I love this... great post. =)
    Kristina J.

  2. Love the wreath!! You could totally switch it out each season...if you're an over achiever. Pharmacy school took all of the over achieving out of me. :P

  3. Thanks! I won't be the over-achiever switching out my seasonal decor...unless by over-acheiving you mean I switch out my Christmas wreath just in time for the Fourth of July wreath? :)
