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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Football, Skype, and Evil Schemers

Today is officially the first day of Fall.  Says me.

It may not have been the first day of football - that was Thursday - but the first Sunday of football, to me, is the first day of fall.  We had some friends come down from the great state of W-Y-O (PS...they actually won a football game two times in a row! Miracles happen in Wyoming!) to watch football.  We made chili - another sign of the arrival of fall.

We have a friend who moved to Washington state last summer.  We never get to see him anymore.  I made plans with said friend to have him in attendance at our football get together - via Skype.  Have you ever Skyped?  It's pretty sweet.  I studied for the pharmacy boards via Skype with a classmate a few years ago.

Anyways, Wilberforce was super excited to watch football with his long lost buddy.
They all cracked open their beers, cheersed (what the heck is the proper way of saying that???), and proceeded to not watch football and entertain themselves with the crazy camera filters on Skype.
Hi Josh!

We also made ebelskievers.  Wilberforce likes to call them evil schemers.  I like to call them delicious.  They're little round pancakes filled with savory (or sweet) goodness.  Earlier this summer we made ones filled with fudge, some filled with bacon and goat cheese, and others filled with strawberry preserves.  Today we made them with cornbread, cilantro, corn, onions, and some kind of crazy mexican cheese.
If you haven't had an evil schemer, you haven't lived.

I made sure to rub them in Josh's face via Skype, since even the wonders of Skype couldn't help Josh enjoy evil schemers with us.  Muahahahahaha.

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