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Saturday, September 10, 2011

'Ello Fall...

...When'd you get here?

The Clark home hasn't heard an air conditioner running in over a week.  I love fall.  The stores are full of pumpkins and leaves and Halloween and toasty warm clothes.

If I were back in Iowa, I would be eyeballing the bean fields, trying to guess how long until Dad decided it was time to officially start Harvest.  I never guess right.  Today, Dad said two weeks.

After over forty years of farming, I think I'll believe him.

I found a soybean field in Colorado today.  I've driven by the field a few times this summer and couldn't figure out what it was.  I thought it looked like soybeans, but I'm blind in one eye and blonde in the other, so I wasn't sure.  Today it was confirmed - the little beans were turning yellow.  A little strange, because the plants were only a foot Iowa, soybean plants reach my waist.  Of course, Iowa farmland is slightly more, uh, well, better for growing...anything.



I spent the day taking pictures in the garage.
I should have taken a picture of my shirt.  It has the state outline of Iowa and says "IOWA.  Full of crop."

Bahahahaha.  Kills me.

See those baby hairs on my forehead?  They're outta control.  The girls at work make fun of me constantly about them.  I'm so abused.

I like my baby hairs.  They're rebellious.

Anyways, I have more pictures to edit of seniors and tools and stuff.  So adios. you ever have moments where you pull some little bit of knowledge out of the dark, dusty back corner of your brain?  I did that at work the other day.  "Noventa".  "Ninety" in Spanish.  FYI.

I'm confused, too.

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