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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Calm Before the Storm

Today was fabulous, and by fabulous, I mean sucky.

For the most part.

We spent four hours at three different home improvement stores in two towns which are fifteen miles apart.

Here's a little bit of advice for you DIYers out there - before loading your push cart up with 489 pounds of lumber and sheets of plywood, double check that the panel saw is actually in order.  And before you drive clear across town to the next home improvement store to purchase and cut lumber, call them to be sure their panel saw is actually in order as well.

Just a thought.  Not that we did that today.

Seriously though.

A storm was moving in from the mountains, so Wilberforce and I went on a great adventure with my camera to capture the crazy clouds.
 Willbee practiced his picture taking skillz too.
 I haven't made him suffer through a photoshoot for a very long time.  I'm sure he missed it.
 We wandered through four fire ant hills the size of a ping pong table to get to these sunflowers.  Not kidding.
 Ok, maybe I exaggerated a bit.  But seriously.
 One for the Christmas card:

Will looks happy in these pictures.  He wasn't so happy two hours later when the power went out due to the gigantron thunder/hail storm. 

Tomorrow, we build. 

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