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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Yarn Wreath, Felt Flowers, Big Headache

Have I mentioned I'm addicted to Pinterest?  Cause I am.  It's a problem. 

I found this wreath during my routine four hours of daily pinning.  I couldn't help myself, I had to make one.  

I've also seen a bajillion pins involving little felt flower/rosette thingys.  I need those too. 

I made a trip to Hobby Lobby, came home with a foam wreath, yarn, a few pieces of felt (actually, those were from JoAnn's), and motivation. 

However cute you think these yarn wreaths are, do not be deceived.  They suck.  Or maybe I don't have the know-how to wrap a wreath with yarn easily.  This baby took me hours.  Not kidding.  I had a headache from grinding my teeth by the time I was finished.  

When I started, I got this much done before I got fed up and quit until the next day:

 But I really, really, really wanted a wreath.  So I kept on, keeping on.

Four weeks later (kidding!) I was finished and was able to start my flowers.  I was actually working on four projects at once, and the project which I decided to take rosette-making-pictures during is not this one.  It's a different project.  An un-blogged project.  A soon-to-be blogged project.

Forgive me.
 These were my first felt flowers ever.  Don't worry, I got better at them as I went.  You'll see.
 During a few episodes of Law & Order SVU, a few loads of laundry, and a few snacks, I finished the rest of the flowers.

I attached the little boogers with hot glue.  I love hot glue.  I love my hot glue gun.
 I love this thing!
 See?  My flowers got better!
 I love it so much, I couldn't stop taking pictures of it.
 Wait, did you see my wreath?  No?  Well here it is!
 I am a happy crafter.  I have the coolest wreath ever.  Ever.
I'm gonna go stare at my wreath now.

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