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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Wedding Birthday


Wilberforce and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary recently.  We spent a day in the mountains - just like we did when he proposed.

Our best man Nat gave us the coolest wedding gift - a bottle of wine for each of the first five anniversaries, plus one for the big 1-0.  Each bottle has a note written in calligraphy, sealed with wax...a special little message to the two of us, from him.  He even coordinated the bottles so that each is aged to perfection on the year we are to open it.  Every anniversary, we make dinner together and open our bottle of wine from Nat.

We didn't do gifts for each other this year - we're going on an anniversary trip to Chicago soon.  But William likes to break the rules - especially the "no gift" rule.  So he googled the traditional 2nd anniversary gift.


So I got new pajama pants.  He's so crazy.

Love you Wilberforce!


Cold and flu season is here!  Have you gotten your flu shot yet?

Do it.


I hate shots.  Needles.  Blood.  Gross.

I pass out, throw up, sweat profusely, shake, and also experience my fair share of tachycardia.  All because of a little needle.  They never tell you that pharmacy school requires so many shots.  I may have rethought my career path if they had.

You would think I would be one of the last people to volunteer to get a shot.  Right?


You see, I work in a little box with three windows.  Eighty-seven percent of the time, at least one of my three windows is occupied by someone with cooties.  Gross, snotty, mucous-y, contagious, air-borne cooties.  And these cootie-carriers usually don't have the decency to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.  They propel those little germs right into our pharmacy box, where those germs float all over, finding happy little homes in the nasal passages and mucous membranes of all the pharmacy personnel.  Yay.

So yes, I got a flu shot.  I almost died, but I'm vaccinated.  Or vaccinized, if you happen to have taken the same vaccination certification course that I did.  *Bahahaha*

If I can do it, you can too.  So do it.


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