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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Little Monsters

I had a photoshoot last night - a two week newborn and her three year old big brother.  I now have a new little boyfriend - Will better watch out!
I suppose I should rotate this picture...this is just the way I shot it.  Eh.  I'll fix that later.  Isn't he a cute little guy?  It took him a good half hour to warm up to me, but when he did, he definitely didn't want me taking pictures of his little sister anymore - he wanted to be in all of them.  He also found a little kitchen gadget that was his new "camera"...we had to count to three and take pictures of his sister at the same time.

Kids kill me.

And here's the new little girlie girl.
She was not having the sleep during our shoot (she just happens to be blinking here).  Of course, once I packed up my camera to leave she started snoozing in her momma's arms.

Kids kill me.

I took 1,005 pictures.  I shoot on high speed when I'm taking pictures of kids.  I figure that way I'm almost guaranteed to get one without the blinking or a hand in front of the face.  Or in the case above, get one with the blinking so it looks like she's a peaceful sleeping baby and not an arm-flailing little nugget.

I've only edited two pictures so far.  I have a ways to go.  And I'll have another newborn shoot in the next week.  My computer and I will be bestest buddies again.


I have 47 bug bites.  Maybe not really, but close.

Wilberforce and I have been spending some major time at the golf course.  Yesterday we had a 6:45 tee time....that's am, not pm.   We played 18 holes by 10:00am - it was hot and buggy and I kicked Will's butt.  The later is really all that matters.

We also spent a few hours in the garage cutting wood for our newest building project.  It's a secret!  Hopefully I'll have it done this week...if we have time in between work and golf and photoshoots.

Happy Weekend!

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