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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Momma To Be

My very first maternity shoot!

My very first visit to Boulder!

We took a bunch of photos at Pearl Street, which seems like a great place to people-watch.  Everyone wears back packs and no one wears shoes.

Ok, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's still a weird place.

I've only edited two pictures from Pearl Street but I'll get to the rest soon.
After Pearl Street, we went to a park on the south end of Boulder.

It. Was. Amazing.

I realized I am a much bigger fan of nature/earth muffin photography than I am of urban photography.  Maybe it's because I'm not as good at urban photography.  Maybe it's because I'm a country kid.  Who knows.

I really like how the pictures turned out.  I'm finally figuring out how to edit my pictures!
This one was a little different.  I think I like it.  I posted it on facebook and most people seemed to like it. 
Can't wait to edit the rest of the images!

I almost had a picture-taking melt down during our nature shoot.  My memory card malfunctioned after 260 pictures - suddenly said it was damaged and contained no pictures.  I tried three separate times to take the pictures off the memory kept telling me the card was empty.  I almost cried.

The fourth time I hooked the camera up to my laptop, the pictures finally showed up...2 hours later.  I did a happy dance.


I started the "max phase" of my 24 day Challenge.  The girls at work thought I was on crack.  So much energy.

I'm gonna need that crack-induced energy Saturday morning.  Another early morning photography session!


PS...more pictures from the maternity shoot are posted on my Flickr on the pictures on the right hand side of this page to see them all!

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