Check Out:

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I tried breaking into our Verizon account yesterday - no luck.  I did, however, succeed in locking William out of the account by guessing the wrong password 72 times in a row.  It cost him a twenty minute phone call to unlock the account.


I finally succeeded in hacking our account.  So maybe I did ask Will for the password, but I could have hacked it eventually.

I found out that Christmas is just around the corner - I'm eligible for a phone upgrade!!!

iPhone 4, here I come!!!!!

Willm says "no".  I tried convincing him my Droid electrocutes me every time I talk on it.  I told him I've started having seizures from chronic electrocution.  I told him there are support forums on the internet for people who have been electrocuted by their Droids.

He didn't buy it.

And so, I probably won't buy it.  "It" being the iPhone 4.

I don't think Will has the phone buying expertise required to decide if I need a new phone.  This is the guy who kept his Palm Treo so long, that when he finally upgraded the phone salespeople had never seen a Palm Treo before.  They put his Palm in a plexiglass cube on a pedestal in the middle of the Verizon store, surrounded by velvet ropes to keep bystanders at a safe distance.  The sign on the display reads "treo palmus: extinct cellular device, pre-smart phone era, circa 2001".  

He doesn't get to decide, I've decided.

'Ello, iPhone.

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